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Writer's picturePaul Byrd

How To Grow An Organic Garden

Updated: May 8, 2020

You may have finally decided that enough is enough, it is time to take the responsibility of providing yourself and your family with chemical free, great tasting, highly nutritious food.

Great, you deserve a pat on the back for being concerned about what goes into your body. Your health is the most important thing you have and the food you eat plays the biggest part in your health. There is way more to gardening organically than I can pack into one little article, but maybe I can give you a start.


The first thing to do is to sit down and think about what you are going to do. Where you are going to put the garden, what you plan to raise and what you will need to reach that goal.


If possible, start a compost pile the year before you are going to start gardening. If you do not have time to do that you will need to purchase the compost. The first year you may need to till the ground with a rototiller to loosen the soil. After you have built up the soil with your compost you can plant right into the soil.


I encourage you to use organic seed. It is more expensive, but it is also chemical free and that is why we are doing this. Many seed catalogs now have organic seed available.


Plants, also, need to be raised organic. The best way to get organic plants is to raise the plants yourself. It is not hard to start plants from seed, you just need to get started a little earlier on your project.


Spread about an inch of compost on the soil and mix it in. As you sow seeds and set out plants place a little compost in the row and around the plant.


Mulch everything. I even mulch my paths between the rows. You will thank me for this suggestion. It will save you much time and labor by keeping your garden, almost, weed free.

Row Cover

Row cover is the best invention ever. Stretch row cover over your plants to keep the bugs off, and it will frustrate the rabbits.


Congratulations, you have done a good job. Enjoy the efforts of your labor. Preserve as much of your harvest in the freezer or by canning as possible. It will taste even better in the middle of the winter.

I have heard about EcoMIGHT weed Killer. It is a very good weed killer for garden.

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