Creating lush, beautiful lawns and gardens is a favorite pastime of many individuals that usually begins in the spring and lasts well beyond the summer months. Together with their families they take great pride in the hours spent working, planting, watering, and enjoying the beauty a summer lawn and garden brings. Nothing can damper the feeling of pride one feels in their lawn or garden like that of it being taken over and controlled by weeds.
Many types of weeds have a tendency to be dominating beginning in the garden and quickly spreading to the rest of the lawn. Homeowners are often left struggling with the decision of how to take care of these intruders without causing damage to their other plants and lawn. There are a great deal of solutions out there to control the growth and spread of weeds such as the weed and several other invasive species.
While looking into preventing the spread of and the eradication of a particular plant species, it is important to note which type of plant the troublesome one actually is. Some plants are highly poisonous to human and animals so these plants would need to be completely removed from the location and great care would need to be taken to ensure they do not spread in any way to a different location. Other plants may pose a nuisance, however are beneficial to the environment in one way or another so while they may want to be removed from a particular location, there is no reason not to let them thrive in another.
One type of solution for getting rid of unwanted weeds is by physical means. This can be achieved by weeding the intruder, ensure the entire root is gotten. It can also be done by "crowding" out weeds. By ensuring adequate fertilization, proper watering and mowing the grass so it is not too short are all effective means at "crowding" out intruders who may have a shallow root base and never allowing them to grow in the area in the first place.
Adequate fertilization includes not over fertilizing. This will ensure the healthy plants get the nutrition they need and do not leave a lot of "extra" for the weeds to eat. Weeds typically have a weak and shallow root base, by watering plants with an underground sprinkler system is very effective at keeping them at bay. This will ensure strong, healthy plants get an adequate amount of water but a large amount does not make it to the surface to provide hydration for potentially growing weeds.
Another form of removing weeds that many people turn to is chemical means.
Anyone attempting this solution should be highly cautious and, especially if not familiar with the product, be sure to read any and all instructions and adhere to them as strictly as possible. Some sorts of chemicals allow the user to pinpoint the area they want to spray and kill live plants while sparing the plants that are wished to remain. There are also fertilizers and types of herbicides that can be put on lawns and gardens that will keep weeds, such as crabgrass, from ever growing.
However one decides to get rid of their weed problem there is always the option for help. Some types of weeds are particularly troublesome. Professional weed killer can offer solutions for plants, which can damage concrete foundation and retaining walls and making them more than simply a nuisance. Lawn services can help put an end to this type of invasive species once and for all, while leaving a lush beautiful lawn and garden.